Distributed AI Research Institute

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The Distributed AI Research Institute is a space for independent, community-rooted AI research, free from Big Tech’s pervasive influence.

Latest news

In the wake of Europe's new Platform Work Directive, which aims to better protect data workers who perform work on digital platforms, who are the workers doing this labor? Mila and colleagues survey Europe's microtask data workers ("microworkers") and report in depth on their demographics, support needs, and policy recommendations.

Latest publications

We publish interdisciplinary work uncovering and mitigating the harms of current AI systems, and research, tools and frameworks for the technological future we should build instead.

Current research projects

Read our research philosophy on conducting community rooted research, and browse our projects ranging from developing AI systems for low resource settings, to data related work, and robustness testing and documentation.

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000 podcast

Join linguist Prof. Emily M. Bender and sociologist Dr. Alex Hanna to break down the AI hype, separate fact from fiction, and science from bloviation. They're joined by special guests and talk about everything, from machine consciousness to science fiction, to political economy to art made by machines.

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